Errington Facilities

Errington has a safe and secure environment with 3 sub-school buildings designed to create the most effective environment for each stage of learning. Each school subschool is self contained and has toilet and bathroom facilities, a kitchen. an art space and a calm room, they also each have their own age apropriate outdoor play areas that include exercise track and play equipment.

Erringtons shared facilities include horticulture area, library / recource centre and school hall / gymnasiun complete with climbing wall. 


Education - Peace of Mind

We understand that caring for a child with a disability can be stressful.

When your child attends school, not only do we strive to ensure they achieve success in their learning environment academically but also strive to work with parents to achieve success for students to manage emotion and peer interaction and in conjunction with parents and DECD professionals address complex behavioural needs.

At Errington we educate a  a diverse range of students, with varying disabilities and complex needs.

Such as:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Epilepsy
  • Global Development Delay
  • Simple and Complex Food allergies
  • A range Physical Disabilities
  • Severe Medical conditions
  • Down Syndrome

Our staff are highly trained to ensure we are ready to assist your child in the learning environment. Not only in techniques appropriate to engage with them with their negotiated education plan, but also emergency medical response requirements.

At the end of the day, we believe that every child deserves a quality education, in a safe environment, to help them be the best they can be!