Useful Links
There are a number of organisations and Government Departments who either support or interact with our students in some way. We invite you to explore their websites and get in touch with them direct if you see a benefit for your child / family. We hope you find these links usesful.
Department of Education & Child Development (DECD)
Every South Australian child and young person deserves the opportunity to be their best in life. Children deserve a strong start, an excellent education in great schools, skilled teachers who invest in their success and to feel safe and happy.
Our people work with children, young people and their families in every South Australian community to build futures and the future of our state.
visit their website >
Disability SA
A division of the South Australian Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI), Disability SA has a wide ranging set of services to assist community integration and health. DSA is often integral for parents with children transitioning to either Day Options or Supported Work after school. They offer access to disability equipment. Therapy providers and a range of other services linked with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
visit their website >
Families SA
Offers a range of information and services to protect the welfare of children in our community, from Child Protection Initiatives; to Child Safe Environments; how to Report Cases of Child Abuse; Child Adoption options ... and more.
visit their website >
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS is being introduced in stages, because it’s a big change and it is important to get it right and make it sustainable. Existing service users and new participants will enter the scheme progressively. The NDIS is expected to cover all of South Australia and all age groups by July 2018, ultimately providing support to about 32,000 people with disability.
visit their website >
Community Organisations
Autism SA
Provides individualised and person-centred services and support for people with Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Whether you are a person living with ASD and/or a family member, carer or a professional looking for the latest information about ASD, Autism SA can assist you.
visit their website >
Sibblings Australia
Committed to improving the support available for siblings of children and adults with chronic conditions including disability, chronic illness and mental health issues.
visit their website >
Care for Kids - Find Out of School Hours Care
This website lists over 400 Before and After School child care options.
visit their website >