School Governing Council
Governing councils are bodies that govern a school, they work with the principal to help set and monitor the direction of a site. The Governing Council is an important decision making body of the school. The Governing Council is comprised of parents, staff and community members.
An Annual General Meeting is usually early in Term 1, with parents attending offered the opportunity to formally join the School Governing Council. It is certainly not an onerous commitment with little 'work' outside of attending the meetings. Some parents do however volunteer to run or get involved with school activities, such as fundraisers. But that is up to them and their time availability.
Meetings are held twice per term, usually on a Tuesday Night, 6.30pm to 8pm in weeks 4 and 8 of each Term.
Currently, around 9 people attend Governing Council meetings, made up of about 6 parents; up to 2 teachers, the Principal, Deputy Principal and Finance Officer.
Beyond receiving updates on happenings in the school and offering management a parents perspective on activity or future plans, it is also a valuable opportunity for parents to understand more about options that are (or will become) available to their children.
By attending School Council meetings, many parents have gained invaluable information not only about the school itself, but supports when working with external organisations such as Government Departments, NDIS etc.
School Council members are requested to obtain a DCSI Child Protection check. The cost of obtaining this is covered by the school on your behalf. These certificates remain valid for 3 years from date of issue.
We do encourage you to consider joining. Please contact our Principal for more information or to arrange to visit a future meeting as a guest - Ph: Front Office on 8293 3779.